IP23 motors 2.0 - 438 kW
IP23 motors 2.0 - 438 kW

The MGFQU/MGFQK series
Power ranges from 2 - 448 kW, enclosures IP23s, IP43s and IPR44
The MGFRK series
Power ranges from 1.8 - 54 kW, enclosures IP44 / IP54
DC motors for operation with speed controllers make high demands on commutation.
The following DC motor characteristics guarantee sparkless commutation:
- 4-pole design with commutating poles
- Main pole in special geometric position to suppress armature reaction
These motors guarantee a long service life of the carbon brushes (up to 15,000 hours) - even with increased start-up and brake torque.
The MGFQK and MGFRK motor series also have compensating winding that
- counters armature reaction,
- ensures sparkless commutation even at many times the rated current (3 x Ir), and
- ensures sparkless commutation in the field weakening range.
The good smooth-running characteristics even at low speeds guarantee armature slot skewing and high commutator segmentation.